Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where Did They Go?!?

At one time, as recent as November 3, I could tell you exactly what a liberal/democrat does in his or her off time. Now I am not certain at all. I seem to be confused by recent events. Are they just throwing me a curve ball or what? Just when you think you've got them figured out then you realize you don't. What am I talking about here? War!
Obama has sent 17,000 troops from Iraq to Afghanistan. Wasn't this the candidate who was anti-war? Wasn't this the candidate who had everything figured out on when the immediate withdrawal of troops will take place and on which dates? Wasn't Obama like the all the other liberals in that he constantly was telling everyone that this war was wrong and he will get all of our troops back? Well, yes this is that same candidate. However, I will give him some slack on this because at least he is trying to defend our nation, at least for this week. Now his supporters, I will not be so kind to on this topic.
Please, can anyone tell me where are the war protesters? I went as far as googling war protesters agains the 17,000 troops Obama has sent to Afghanistan and I got nothin remotely close to a match! There are no portesters! Obama sends troops to Afghanistan, not back home, and there is not one protester standing in front of the White House with stupid little liberal signs?!? As I said, just when you think you know what they do in their off time then they give you the slip! Slimey little weasels aren't they? Funny how you can put the ultimate liberal in the White House and he continues the war, moving troops into another arena, yet the liberals do not protest that action? Liberalism: Total Contradiction!

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