Saturday, January 17, 2009

Facts, Logic & Reasoning? HA!

Our nation is truly in the lowest point of its' existence. Am I speaking of the economy? No! Am I speaking about foreign relations? No! I am speaking as a society we are at the lowest point of all time. The past election alarmed me, in that I had no idea that we as a nation were so close to ruin. Obviously we have crossed that point and now the downfall will truly increase in speed. You always hear liberals proclaim their superiority by using fact, logic and reasoning in their politics and ideology. I do not subscribe to that idea at all.
Last evening a 76 year old man called wanting to hear of how my parents were doing. He is a cousin of my Dad's. We talked about how everyone was doing in health and spirits. Somehow the conversation then went from religion to politics; definitely not led by me. he has always been quite a talker, usually stopping just for air. The gentleman will proudly tell you that he is a devout Christian, in his words "a holy roller from the Church of God". He told me that, against his wife's wishes, he proudly voted for Obama. As he paused I kindly said "I see". Then he continued by telling me that he voted for Obama because he can get us out of the mess that we are in because he was a smart man. He then told me that had heard how great a man Obama was and how intelligent he was on television. He said he had also seen many advertisements about how great a man Obama was and how we needed him now. I replied again "I see". He told me that his Dad, who passed away in 1971, had always told him that when a Republican was in office then expect everything to go downhill financially. he then told me that his family had always been democrats and voted for democrats always. By this time I did not know whether to vomit or go to sleep. Then he paused long enough for me to get a word in so I asked him how long did he think our financial situation had been going downhill. He said this past year. Then he said everything was going great until 2008. I passed at the opportunity to ask how long President Bush had been in office. He went on to tell me that they had plenty of money and had been doing great even now. I asked him how his church viewed homosexuality? I then asked him did he support same sex marriage. He, of course, said that he nor his nor his church 'would never support these things.' Then I asked what his views on abortion. Again he vehemently opposed abortion. His church was against murder. I asked him how he felt about high taxes. He said that the people of this nation was already taxed too much. At this point I decided to change the topic.
This conversation proved to me what this past election was all about and how to this day there are so many people in this nation who are completely misguided and uninformed. This is not 1920, it is 2009! There are still so many people out there who still use the same ole misguided, 'my daddy was a democrat and his daddy was a democrat and...' as if it was some sort of birth law and that nothing ever changes in a political party. Then you mix in some 18 year olds who know nothing about politics at all and who will vote for the coolest dude or coolest bumper sticker and then you have Hussein the president! You also have the following as a result:
MINNEAPOLIS (Reuters) - Democrat Al Franken beat Republican incumbent Norm Coleman to win the U.S. Senate seat from Minnesota, officials conducting a final recount said on Monday, though the loser promised to challenge the result.
The outcome found Franken edged Coleman by 225 votes out of nearly 2.9 million votes cast, but Coleman's lawyers complained the recount was conducted unfairly and promised a court contest that could take weeks to resolve.
The old adage still holds. Anyone can be president (or senator) in America. At least we can say "What a great nation!" However, that is about it in the case of the 2008 election. Obviously we must weather the storm and allow the young and old generation to come to their senses but can we? Apparently the left tweaked the Minnesota election enough to get it just as they wanted it, a Franken victory. I guess if you can keep saying 'one for you, two for me' then you can overcome all odds eventually. Comedian Al Franken, a U. S. senator. Gee, what a proud moment in our nation's history. One thing is for sure the next few years will be a comedy of errors so I guess Franken will fit right in with the rest of Pelosi's Court Jesters!