Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Porkulus Bill

I must say that the stimulus or porkulus bill has left me with a question. There has been much debate here on Blogit about this bill and rightfully so in these times. The past few days I noticed Obama's visits to Indiana and Florida and the people's responses to this bill.
In Florida, a young man jumped up out of his chair to praise God for the opportunity to speak with Obama. My response was 'get a grip boy' and I was correct. This young man, one of many who we can thank for the presence of this so-called administration, asked Obama how can the government help him due to the fact that he had been working at McDonald's part time for 4 years and had not seen any further benefits. I thought, to myself, this nation is in more trouble than I ever imagined. If I had been working at McDonald's for 4 years part time then at some point the idea of needing more education would have come forth or look for a full time job! There's a concept, boy! Is America this stupid now? Do we have a bunch of young people who are absolutely dumb as dirt? We truly have a society who actually thinks that government is what makes all things better. Got a problem, then no problem go to daddy government and all will be well because why? We are entitled to it! That is what America actually believes! This is where we are at now! You stupid bunch of twits! Nothing is my responsibility whether it is getting a woman pregnant or my fate in the job market, feed me, feed me, it is the duty for the government to keep my good times going! Get a grip people! Liberals, put down the doobie and get sober will you?!
Then we have a black woman in Florida who spoke up for her needs and desires to Obama. She reminded me so much of the black lady I encountered in the grocery store register isle who stated "Obama will give me the money to pay off my house and utility bills." The lady in Florida told Obama that her desires were not parks and roads and such but she needed a new kitchen sink and other improvements to their house since they were in such a bad situation these days. I wanted to ask her what she drove around in and if she had cable or satellite and if she had bought lottery tickets and alcohol but I could not becuase the answer was obvious as it always is because we obviously have a HUGE segment of society who want socialism; who want communism. Who cares, as long as I get mine handed to me without doing anything. That is what this whole things is about. Obama and his cronies want power so what better way to get it than give the people everything they want no matter what tghe consequence is or not.
Liberailism is all about lying to people about wanting to take care of them but then being exposed as a fraud later on. It is a lie folks. They lie in order to stay in power. You will see this take place as the weeks and months pass by. Same ole liberal junk repackaged.
Who do we have to blame for this? Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barney Frank to name just a few. My research tells me that Obama wanted at least 50% of this bill to be tax relief. Nancy and her worthless gang gave him some 30% of tax relief for the middle class. Worthless liberals! They must be eliminated from future politics.

From what I could learn, Obama wanted about 50% of the bill to be tax relief

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